Acquisition financing | Working capital financing | Growth financing

Debt Advisory

We manage everything from junior bridge loans to senior secured debt financing for most situations.

Debt transactions from start to finish

  • Credit analysis and assessment of debt opportunities
  • Structuring of terms and drafting of credit material
  • Project management and liaising with lenders
  • Negotiation of terms and execution of loan documentation
  • Follow-up and support in subsequent reporting

Strong network of lenders for increased opportunities

Today, there is a large selection of lenders, where most have different specializations and offer different types of loans. Lending strategy for a certain lender may also change over time and we constantly acknowledge new lenders in the market. We help our customers navigate the landscape of lenders.

Through long and personal relationships with lenders, we ensure a debt transaction with the best suited lender for the purpose. We are a completely independent adviser, ensuring that the most suitable debt financing is secured without the influence of benefits or other remunerations from any lender.

We primarily work with the following types of lenders in Sweden and internationally:

Commercial banks

Financing with major commercial banks typically takes place at a lower margin than with other lenders, but often at the expense of flexibility and a longer processing time. The financing takes place through, among other things, term loans and revolving credit facilities. We work with all commercial banks in the Nordics.

Niche and challenger banks

Increased flexibility for niche and challenger banks enables smaller and medium-sized companies to more easily get access to debt financing. Loan financing at niche and challenger banks is similar to that of commercial banks but can be tailored to a greater extent. We work with around twenty niche and challenger banks in the Nordics and as many outside the Nordics (primarily in the UK).

Debt funds

Lower regulatory requirements and different credit strategies make debt funds fast and flexible. The financing offered ranges from junior loans to senior secured loans with flexibility regarding amortization, interest payments and collateral. Debt funds can offer structures and terms that other lenders cannot. We work with about ten debt funds in the Nordics and mainly with debt funds in the UK, Germany and the USA, which amount to around a hundred.

Alternative lenders

Regarding, inter alia, convertible loans and bridge loans, there are investors who can offer loans at short notice to ensure financing where a long-term solution cannot be waited for. We work with around thirty alternative lenders in the Nordics.

Governmental lenders

Debt financing from public authorities and governmental organizations that, among other things, promote green, sustainable and social loans. The processes are somewhat more bureaucratic and in some cases lengthy, but with favorable terms when the financing is in place. We work with around ten lenders, such as the European Investment Bank (EIB), the Nordic Investment Bank (NIB), Swedish Export Credit Corporation (SEK), Almi and Nefco.

Debt financing for most needs

Through an experienced debt advisor, the company’s financing needs can be specified and the loans structured in the best possible way, meaning that the right lenders are contacted with a well-founded basis. Based on the customer’s financing needs and specific situation, we can engage lenders that result in an efficient process and highest probability of a successful transaction.

There are great opportunities to tailor a debt financing to suit both lenders and borrowers. We often work with the following types of loans:

This type of loan is what most people refer to as conventional loans. The loans typically have a term of 2-5 years and with an amortization profile over the term. The loans can be tailored and adapted according to the customer’s needs regarding loan amount, term, amortization profile and financial covenants.

Loans assumed in connection with the financing of an acquisition. We have extensive experience in structuring tailored acquisition loans or acquisition facilities where loans can be drawn down under a loan framework where the borrower repeatedly acquires companies.

Loan frameworks in the form of, for example, overdraft facilities ensuring liquidity in day-to-day operations or working capital facilities in connection with major temporary fluctuations in liquidity due to for example seasonality effects.

When developing projects such as setting up a factory or scaling an investment, special project financing may be appropriate. The financing is often made in a separate company where the capital is directly linked to the specific project.

Temporary financing to quickly ensure liquidity in companies with a need to make an urgent investment that is then repaid in a short time through other financing or operational cash flows. These loans can sometimes also be structured as convertible loans, where the lender has the option or obligation to convert the loan into shares in the borrower at the loan’s maturity date.

Loans for growth companies where growth is taken at the expense of profitability. This debt financing comes with limited dilution for shareholders in the company in contrast to an equity financing with potentially large dilution. The loans are often associated with some form of profit sharing such as warrants or synthetic shares and should be viewed as an alternative to equity financing.

Companies with recurring revenues and a subscription-based revenue model can obtain loan financing without dilution for the shareholders in the company. The loans are suitable for situations where cash is needed for marketing activities or inventory, where additional revenues are expected to be generated to repay the loan. Like venture loans, this is an attractive alternative to equity financing.

In order to untie working capital, there are opportunities to either pledge or sell customer invoices or enter into leasing arrangements for equipment and similar fixed assets. Factoring and leasing are often a component of projects where we assist the customer with a major restructuring of its debt financing or in connection with acquisitions where the target company’s financing must be refinanced.

Debt financing for investment companies or holding companies with financial assets where the loan is set in relation to values ​​in the asset portfolio. Repayment of debt often takes place in connection with the realization of assets. Debt size, the loan-to-value ratio and other conditions are mainly based on the quality of the assets.

Financing that aims to speed up the green transition. The financing can come in different loan formats. In addition to purely financial considerations, the analysis is also done in a number of qualitative areas, for example carbon dioxide calculations or other environmental parameters. There is a flora of favorable subsidized government financing to take advantage of and the processes are often long. For these projects, we often work with financing in both the short and long term to ensure liquidity at all times.

Funding via long-term institutional debt investors primarily in Germany and the US, or equivalent in other jurisdictions. The loans can be structured either in the form of corporate bonds or private direct loans, where the latter is our focus area. The terms are often favorable in terms of low margin and a very long term. The financing suits capital-intensive companies with low risk, such as real estate companies with long-term and stable portfolios and infrastructure companies.

We assist our customers with the liaising with investment banks for issuance of corporate bonds. This type of financing is suitable when there is a greater need for capital, but with no conditions for obtaining an attractive debt financing from a bank or where the company is in need of a quick process.

Our process

Initial meeting and assessment of debt opportunities


Offer and engagement letter


Analysis and drafting of material


Discussions with lenders


Negotiation of terms (term sheet)


Drafting and negotiation of loan agreements


Disbursement of loan


Follow-up and reporting


Contact us

Regardless of the type of debt financing, we can offer the right conditions for a successful transaction and a long-term value-creating relationship. Contact one of us below. See the entire team here.